I’m delighted to announce that the leading work on California Privacy Law (4th ed) written by Lothar Determann has just been published by the IAPP.

#privacy #law #datasecurity #legal #lawyers #legaltech
I was very honoured to be asked by Lothar to edit several chapters of this leading work and I’m extremely proud to have been part of this project.https://iapp.org/store/books/a191P000003swUkQAI/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpJd01HRXpPREF6TTJVMiIsInQiOiJyVlZ1SzI5SmVpOE0zOVBmVWU3WldOaGZZTitqZHA3bVZkYzZ2VDRld3YrelVENjZSdnZteFRYV2FNRE5tODBWa0JuZVpPVkVMdldPT3VyQ0JHd2gzMWpXSThoak12eTJvdndXREFWNzY1WU1WcTRsVW1jK1BIMEZ2S29CckpqRCJ9
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