Lady Doreen Lawrence, whose son Stephen was murdered by racists in 1993, has described the government-commissioned report on race as a ‘’green light for racists’’.

Civil rights campaigner Lady Doreen Lawrence condemns the latest UK Government-backed report into the non-existence of institutional racism as a licence for racists in the wake of disturbing evidence of racism in the Met Police
‘’My son was murdered because of racism. […] Once you start covering it up it is giving the green light to racists’’.
Some academics claimed their views had been misrepresented in the report. The report alleged terms such as ‘structural racism’ are misused, and family circumstances, culture and religion have a greater impact than racism on the life chances of ethnically diverse communities in the UK. Such a narrative is rejected by those who’ve suffered direct discrimination that has hindered the opportunity to compete in terms of career opportunities.
I was fortunate to have interviewed Doreen Lawrence for a short film on Barack Obama, commissioned by the House of Commons and House of Lords in 2009.
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