Essential reading for any business looking to make money from sports infrastructure projects worldwide

Cover-final_Page_1‘Global opportunities for sports marketing, infrastructure and consultancy services to 2022’ shows that UK companies could benefit to the tune of GBP 5.9 billion partly as a result of the 2012 Olympic Legacy.

The 260 page Report, with detailed analysis across ALL global markets and 17 specially commissioned infographics is published by International Marketing Reports  and is available as an immediate download at GBP 995.00.

Currently, the UK sports service sector earns around 50% of its income overseas and the London 2012 Games helped to provide the expertise to chase major international contracts worth GBP billions.

The report identifies opportunities for companies in such fields as sports marketing, IT, law, ticketing, stadium construction and infrastructure, hospitality, architecture, security, design, merchandising, catering and logistical support.

We’ve analysed the major sports events around the world over the coming ten years. This business potential is a largely unrecognised by-product of Britain’s 2012 Olympic investment. UK companies were responsible for so many elements of arguably the greatest Games ever staged. In sponsorship, new records were set for how much was brought in at national level, the stadia and sporting facilities were widely applauded by a global audience and logistically the Games passed with the minimum of hitches. UK companies were already very competitive in these areas, but the Olympics provided a very steep learning curve in managing ‘mega-event’ projects and the UK is now arguably the global leader in delivering services to major sporting events.

The report analyses 55 one-off major sporting events with significant potential for UK companies over the next decade and examines the type and value of opportunities, the bidding processes and cultural/business issues surrounding each country and event.

There is also a detailed listing of 149 new stadia projects and sports infrastructure plans for every major market and sporting event.

What we found was that there were certain countries which have much greater potential than others. In monetary terms, Qatar and Russia represent the biggest opportunities, however, there are very specific approaches needed to do business in these countries. For example, many people assume that it is very difficult for UK businesses to win contracts in Russia, but the findings show that there are several UK companies that have successfully bid for work and this is likely to increase. In other regions, such as Africa, the opportunities are far greater than might be expected and again the UK is well placed to succeed on the continent.

In most countries it’s important to start work now to have a good chance of securing business.

Even where a major event has not yet been allocated to a host city, such as the 2020 Summer Olympics, it’s worth establishing early relationships with the bidding cities because organisers and potential joint-venture partners are already making plans.

For some events, establishing a joint-venture relationship with a leading player now is effectively getting one foot in the door when it comes to securing contracts. Just as the biggest contracts can go quickly, the same is true for the best partner companies.

The GBP 5.9 billion worth of opportunities could actually be considered as a conservative estimate if the infrastructure surrounding some of these events is taken into consideration.

If you look at Qatar, for example, the total budget allocated for the 2022 World Cup and the ‘Qatar National Vision’ is GBP 204 billion.

Most of this is for construction and infrastructure and the majority of the business will be awarded to international companies. This is income that UK companies are well-placed to bid for but there is strong competition, particularly from the USA, which has seen a dramatic growth in trade with Qatar.

What the sports experts say about the Report:

“In an industry so woefully void of creative innovation, IMR consistently produce go to publications that should not only be on the shelf of every sports industry executive but should show the signs of wear and tear from constant revisits – Global Opportunities for Sports Marketing, Infrastructure & Consultancy Services to 2022 advances IMR’s fine reputation as the sports industry’s leading light providing informative and expansive insight into new trends, strategies and opportunities for any individual seeking to aspire to be more than being just any sports industry executive but a leading sports industry executive … a  must read.

Repeatedly mentioned by major sporting events organizing bodies the word “legacy” is the most over-used and under delivered promise of any Olympic Games or FIFA World Cup as inevitably the show moves on after each closing ceremony or final to the next location around the globe.

Based upon the success of the London 2012 Olympic Games, how then will the UK sports industry export itself around the globe to leverage its vast expertise to the next willing recipient? Ardi Kolah challenges the reader to think outside of the box and adapt to the emerging and widely diverse market opportunities in order to establish a viable and sustainable platform, building upon the recent euphoria and profits at home, for the next 10 years.”  Peter Miller, Vice-President, Sports & Education Development, Global Events Group

“Packed with expert knowledge and insight, Ardi Kolah’s leading edge report delivers comprehensive analysis of incremental new business opportunities for sports marketing and consultancy services within the UK.  Its robust and in-depth findings quantify the value of opportunities across major global events and make this report essential reading for all those in the sector actively seeking to accelerate their business development activities.”  Frank Saez, MD, SMG Insight/YouGov

“This report is compelling and comprehensive. It lays out the enormous opportunity the UK has to make even more of a success of our sports marketing industry. As a country, there has never been a more important time to make the most of the world-leading industries we have –to grow our way back to confidence and prosperity. And as the Olympics showed, there has never been a better time either. We need to grasp this chance, rather than see it slip away from us. So decision-makers should study this report with rigour and speed, and resolve to make 2013 the year that the country gets 100% behind the sports marketing industry.” Francis Ingham, Director General, PRCA and Executive Director, International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) 

“A valuable guide to the enormous business potential available to UK sponsorship and sport marketing companies on the global stage.” Karen Earl, Chairman, European Sponsorship Association

“The [Report] is a great idea because it’s a fast moving industry and there’s one big opportunity to make the most of London 2012.Julie Clark, Head of Sports & Leisure, PwC 

Sport is becoming increasingly important in brand development. Some of the world’s biggest brands now come from the world of sport and countries and cities realize the importance of hosting major sporting events to enhance their brands. For companies that service these events, the opportunity to grow their own brands through association with the events is enormous. To be able to say that you have worked on a major international stadium that has been seen by a global television audience is much more powerful than working for clients with a much lower profile. This report provides a valuable insight into what opportunities are out there, what challenges companies will face and what the best approach is to winning new business in the global sports market.” David Haigh, CEO, Brand Finance plc

“This Report is very welcome. It shows that the Government have understood there’s an industry here and we’re good at it. In many respects we are a world leader in many areas. I really hope this Report will be acted on. Sport and business is one of the growing industries in the world and we are ideally placed to play a leading role in that.” Simon Rines, publisher, IMR 

“This is a comprehensive and valuable report.  It is an essential guide to the opportunities for British companies interested in securing business with the major international sports events and sports infrastructure developments over the next decade.  Every CEO and Business Development Director in the sector should study it carefully.” Matthew Wheeler, CEO, Sports Investment Partners

More information including an extensive FREE sample of the Report is available from IMR


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