Can the truth be stranger than fiction?

My 16-year-old daughter Zara loves Instagram. So does her 11-year old sister, Aviva.

I hope they don’t mind me sharing that with you! And probably millions of others like them all over the world are aimlessly scrolling through Instagram rather than doing their homework on a wet Wednesday evening when they need a break from studying or are simply bored of checking out vlogs on YouTube – another favourite pastime rather than watching TV (which they don’t).

What’s interesting is the way that, post after post, about fashion, make-up, music, games, staying healthy and what to say to boys tends to have the same captions.

With young children and teenagers, social media is pa...

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European Commission set to call time on Privacy Shield

Time has almost run out for EU-US Privacy Shield. It’s highly probable that by 18 October 2018, the European Commission will agree with the European Parliament vote taken in July 2018 to suspend EU-US Privacy Shield, the international data sharing agreement between the US and the European Union.

This won’t come as any surprise within the data privacy community and in many respects has been on the cards since the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal earlier this year that underlined the importance of monitoring mechanisms intended to protect citizens from the misuse of their personal data on an industrial scale.

But it would be wrong to write off Privacy Shield as bein...

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Reunited with Sir John Tusa after 26 years!

Sir John was personally responsible for recruiting me to the BBC as the first Radio Journalist Trust Trainee back in 1989.

This evening, he was interviewed by veteran BBC Presenter Robin Lustig about his incredible career at BBC World Service, BBC TV, Wolfson College Cambridge, Barbican Centre, Clore Leadership Programme and the University of the Arts London.

His new book – Making A Noise – Getting It Right, Getting It Wrong in Life, the Arts and Broadcasting is published by Orion Books.



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Interviewed for the 6 O’Clock News TRTWorld on GDPR – 25 May 2018

This is an interview on the practical issues facing companies and organisations in complying with the GDPR.


To watch again, click here

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Interviewed today on BBC Radio 5 Live – Wake up to Money on the TSB debacle

TSB recently sent out apology letters for the disruption caused to millions of its customers for a significant IT failure leading to personal data breaches. That would’ve been OK – had it not been sent to the wrong people…so customers received OTHER customers’ apology letter. Is this a regulation or reputation issue? Listen again here 



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TRT World Roundtable with David Foster

Other studio guests: Rhiannon Evans–Young, Director and Co-founder of Crest Communications; Hussein Kanji, Co–founder of Hoxton Ventures and Kate Bevan, the Editor of Which? Computing.

To watch again, click here


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Appearance on BBC Radio 5 Live Wake up to Money – 23 May 2018

Interviewed on the ‘zombie GDPR emails’ news story running on the BBC after I had posted the blog on LinkedIn. You can listen to my interview again here


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Attack of the zombies with “GDPR emails” breaks data protection laws!

This is an all-out attack by the zombies and it’s continuing post-25 May! They follow other zombies by sending us mindless emails saying this kind of crap:

“We’re committed to managing and safeguarding the information you give us when looking for a job. CLICK HERE TO STAY SIGNED UP.”

Or how about this:

“LET’S STAY IN TOUCH. Did you know? New privacy laws come in to effect on 25 May. This landmark new law is designed to improve your privacy rights. This is great news for online shoppers, so if you enjoy getting our promotional emails, just click below…”

Or this:

“We don’t want to lose you, so please take action NOW”


These emails are poin...

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BSI film on Hitachi Consulting Corp becoming the first global company to achieve BS10012:2017



Watch the film here

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Power-list of influences in the data privacy landscape

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