High Impact Marketing That Gets Results tagged posts

Scouts are most trusted charity brand in UK according to new poll

Adventurer Bear Grylls is Chief Scout in the UK

Adventurer Bear Grylls is Chief Scout in the UK

The Scout Association one of the UK’s leading youth organisations, has been ranked as one of the most highly trusted institutions in the UK and second only to the Armed Forces. The Scouts overtook the NHS that had previously occupied the second slot but now drops to third place as a result of the surge in hospital scandals over the previous 12 months.

The recent poll of 1000 respondents, conducted by nfpSynergy, shows that 66% of people now trust charities ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a great deal’ which is an increase of 2% on last year’s results and the highest figure for the sector since 2010.

Half of respondents in the surv...

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B2B Marketing Magazine rates 5/5 for High Impact Marketing That Gets Results

Ian Smith, UK Head of Marketing, Harris Interactive reviews High Impact Marketing That Gets Results for B2B Magazine:

Ian-HarrisThe strength of this latest book, from the successful Guru in a Bottle series, is in its blending of tried and tested marketing models from the academics, with bang-up-to-date examples and anecdotal evidence from seasoned marketing practitioners. This is then consolidated with a variety of relevant, informative and interesting case studies from both B2B and B2C brands.

I found this book to be well written, with Kolah making even the most complicated of topics accessible and entertaining...

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Do you leave your PR to chance?

Roulette-wheelIt’s often very difficult to know what makes a news release work and what doesn’t if you haven’t been doing it for that long. For those of us who do it for a living, we’ve witnessed some major changes in the art and craft of getting the message across to desired audience and customer segments. Today, PR is a very different business to what it was even a couple of years’ ago.

For me it comes down to taking a hard-nosed approach and increasingly that means understanding what we’re trying to achieve with using PR as a business tool rather than leaving it to chance and Lady Luck.

PR used to be about what I call the “transmit” mode of communication...

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Will you have the same job title 24 months from now?


This year has seen the blurring of the traditional line between marketing, PR and communications.

In the past, they were once stuck in their own silos.

But 2013 is changing all that.

Research for High Impact Marketing That Gets Results shows that the industry is in the throes of reinventing itself.

Making the customer, client, prospect or supporter the centre of the communication process is still some way off for many organisations but the signs are that marketing and communications are moving in this direction at a much faster rate in 2013.

The reality is that the customer doesn’t care where the info is coming from, just that they can get that info easily...

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