Smartphones tagged posts

“BYOD is a ticking time bomb” warns data protection expert Martin Hickley

BYODAs many data protection, compliance, human resources and legal experts speculate as to the consequences that will be wrecked on all organisations as a result of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there is widespread confusion across the web as to whether Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) is still acceptable or whether organisations need to radically undertake a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) and change their internal policies as a result.

“Even though the law in this area hasn’t changed today, it would be foolhardy in the extreme for organisations not to carry out a DPIA as a precautionary measure given the massive data protection and security...

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Samsung gives Apple a Love Bite!

SamsungOver the past eight years the South Korean giant has gone from being a virtual unknown on the high street to one that’s on the cusp of becoming Britain’s ‘most loved brand’ and has come up with a brand marketing platform that’s as good as anything its rival Apple could’ve dreamt up.

‘Launching People’ is an advertising funded programme (AFP) series to be broadcast in Spring 2014 where stars from film, music, photography and cooking mentor promising new talent on the back of a nationwide competition.

It’s a neat way for Samsung to humanise its brand rather than constantly rely on technological innovation to get people talking as the product gap between itself a...

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Development of social media laws in India and lessons to be learnt from the EU experience

facebook-resultsSince the Millennium, social media has grown from teenage fad into an essential communication platform at such unprecedented speed that it’s left the development of privacy laws and regulations in its wake.

A new report by India-based analysts Avendus puts this into context on a global perspective.

There are now over 2.4 billion internet users in the world of which 1.5 billion access the internet through their mobile devices either as a primary or a supplementary device; the penetration of smartphones are expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% to reach 2...

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