sponsorship tagged posts

Thank you to everyone who came last night to the book launch!

20150923_201954Massive thanks to Lord Karan Bilimoria for an inspirational speech about the journey of Cobra beer to a global brand and its use of iconic advertising, marketing, illustration – and sponsorship! Thanks for your kind words about the book.

Thanks to Malcolm Deboo, President of the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe for supporting the launch and to the fabulous team at the House of Illustration – profits from last night will go to both charities.

Special thanks to my wonderful friend and sponsor Tricia Lichfield and to the film crew from Skatta TV – you guys are the best!

Also big thanks to Amy Laurens my publisher from Routledge and for taking part in a filmed interview! Good jo...

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Get 20% discount off new sponsorship book!

9780415637893Improving the Performance of Sponsorship written by British sponsorship award winning author and consultant Ardi Kolah is published globally on 29 June by Routledge.

Kolah is a senior lecturer on sponsorship at Cass Business School, Henley Business School, Kingston Business School and London Guildhall Faculty of Business and Law.

If you’re interested in ALL to types of sponsorship, then this is the book for YOU!

The book takes a timely and comprehensive look at all types of sponsorship – from sports, entertainment, music, media, charitable, education and environment – examining everything from its mechanics to ethical and legal issues as well as measurement and evaluation...

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What the arts can learn from sport when it comes to sponsorship

QB15This isn’t a one-way street of course. There’s a lot that sports can learn from the arts – for example creating unique experiences that reach desired audience and customer segments in a precise way that’s memorable and doesn’t suffer from ‘sponsorship clutter’ that often afflicts much bigger property types such as a premier league football club.

However, the arts sector needs to become much more commercially savvy in helping itself achieve anything like the success achieved by sports rights owners over the last 40 years that has generated billions in support of sports and entertainment that relies on sponsorship income for its existence.

Earlier this week, UK ar...

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Ambush marketing threat to global sponsors!

Pepsi unofficialDuring major sports events, non-official sponsor brand owners will start to consider actively pursuing ‘guerrilla or ‘ambush marketing’ tactics as they seek a free ride on the back of major events such as the Commonwealth Games in GlasgowFIFA World Cup in Brazil, the Tour de France or the Wimbledon Tennis Championships.

But like so much in marketing, they’re two schools of thought on the subject of ‘ambush marketing’.


Those who are in favour of ‘ambush marketing’ including the European Sponsorship Association (ESA) argue it’s a perfectly acceptable form of marketing activity for a non-sponsor to be engaged with provided it doesn’t brea...

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Brand-Vandals1At the end of last year, a new book by Steve Earl and Stephen Waddington hit the shelves and caused a bit of a stir. Brand Vandals was a polemic about the dangers facing any organisation as it struggles to manage its reputation in the face of determined vandals out to destroy it on social media.

“Media has become a two-way weapon. Nobody can control it. It’s anarchy.”

Assuming you didn’t suffer nervous shock or call the emergency services after reading the first chapter, the book goes on to describe a world where luckless PR managers are fighting an ever losing battle against brand vandalism...

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Getting brands through the school gates can start a green revolution

_MG_0015GreenCredGreen Schools Revolution is one of the most innovative corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes in the UK and could signal a new way for brand owners to engage with children and their families and turn traditional B2C sponsorship on its head.

That was the message delivered at a special PRCA Breakfast Briefing where Hopscotch Consulting explained its role in helping The Co-operative develop a nationwide CSR programme that has bagged a ‘Special Award for Green Sponsorship’ at this year’s UK Sponsorship Awards 2014 to be announced later this month.

You could say Hopscotch Consulting has big plans for its Green Schools Revolution and has leap-frogged the competition...

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2014 law and regulation update on sales & marketing practice

UK-based companies will face a major shake-up in how they conduct consumer sales and marketing activities over the next 12-months in the wake of a raft of new laws and regulations emanating from the UK and European Union (EU). The following is a quick guide to some of these key legal and regulatory changes and more guidance is available in Essential Law for Marketers (2nd edition).

Direct marketing and e-commerce practices

jail3A radical shake up in this area is already underway as the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has signalled a number of important changes that effectively erode the reliance by marketers on an ‘opt-out’ as a strategy for driving direct marketing (DM)...

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